Fund Details
AJC Merit Research Scholarship -- July 2024 Co-op

Brief Description:

The AJC Merit Research Scholarship provides academically talented undergraduates in the STEM fields with the opportunity to participate in a full-time, research co-op in the lab of a Northeastern University faculty member – at a wage comparable to what they might earn in industry.  The intention of the award is to encourage a broader array of talented undergraduates to engage in faculty-mentored academic research co-ops than might otherwise do so because of financial considerations and to support the ambitions of undergraduates interested in pursuing graduate study in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (“STEM”) fields.


The AJC Merit Research Scholarship provides academically talented undergraduates in the STEM fields with the opportunity to participate in a full-time, research co-op in the lab of a Northeastern University faculty member – at a wage comparable to what they might earn in industry.  The intention of the award is to encourage a broader array of talented undergraduates to engage in faculty-mentored academic research co-ops than might otherwise do so because of financial considerations and to support the ambitions of undergraduates interested in pursuing graduate study in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (“STEM”) fields. 


In addition to dedicated faculty mentorship and significant financial support for their position, AJC Merit Research Scholars will also join a cohort of like-minded peers and receive additional mentorship and guidance from the Undergraduate Research and Fellowships office.

Candidates must be full time undergraduate students at Northeastern, while the co-op position must be undertaken in the laboratories of a tenured or tenure track faculty member in the STEM fields.


There are two paths for students to become AJC Merit Research Scholars:

  • By applying into an Approved AJC Merit Research Scholarship Faculty-Mentor Research Co-op. 
  • By proposing a research co-op with a tenured or tenure track faculty member with whom they already have a relationship. You cannot, however, fund an existing co-op mid-cycle with this award -- this is for new co-ops beginning in September.


Applicants are permitted to submit multiple applications -- but we encourage you to identify and apply for the opportunity that is most interesting to you.


To complete multiple applications, be sure to start from the beginning of the process -- rather than from within your existing applications. Navigate to “Search” and view all scholarships -- then click "Start New Application" and name it there. You will not want to edit your previous submission in "My Applications."

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact URF Northeastern at

Search Filters:

Eligible Years of Study:
  • Sophomore
  • Junior
  • Rising Senior
    Citizenship Required?
    • None
      Eligible Disciplines
      • Science
      • Technology
      • Engineering
      • Mathematics
        Internal or External Fellowship
        • Internal Fellowship
          University Nomination Required
          • No